Imaging is critical in diagnosing and managing osteoarthritis. Clinical and epidemiological studies characteristically utilize imaging-derived inclusion/exclusion criteria and imaging-based outcome measures.
This Workshop was established to offer opportunities for osteoarthritis investigators to discuss issues related to imaging osteoarthritis. Topics may include new lessons learned about osteoarthritis pathophysiology through imaging modalities, recent advances in imaging techniques, and appropriate analytic methods for imaging-derived data.
What's happening at IWOAI 2025?
MRI – PET-MRI – multiparametric MRI
Shape analysis
Imaging cohorts vs experimental trials
CT - PCCT - WBCT - microCT
Joint biology, regeneration and imaging
Artificial intelligence
Anatomy perspectives
Interactive poster session
Debate : “Is it worth the weight?”
Submit Abstract

The 19th International Workshop of Osteoarthritis Imaging will be hosted in Magdalene College, Cambridge UK from July 9 to 12.
* See bottom of page for those requiring documentation for visas.
Student - $200
Regular - $480

Submit Abstract
Since 2007, IWOAI has received more than 700 abstracts. We strongly encourage you to submit your abstract for the 2025 meeting.
It is a unique opportunity to present your work in front of a recognized platform of researchers and scientists in the field of osteoarthritis imaging.
The deadline for Abstract submission is May 11, 2025

The Scientific Program
Conference Organisers
Prof. Tom Turmezei, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Norwich, UK
Prof. Cecilia Brassett, University of Cambridge, UK
ISOAI President
Prof. Ali Guermazi, Boston University Medical Center, USA
Become a Sponsor
We would like to thank all of the organizations that have supported the IWOAI conference in the past and hope that you and new participants will join in supporting the mission of OA imaging as we further science, research, and clinical practice.
In addition, we would very much value your active participation in the workshop to help bring the perspectives of industry to the forum and engage with academic and clinical investigators.

*For those requiring visa letters, you must be registered prior to requesting documentation of attendance.